
BenchK sports furniture are environmental friendly. In a world where fast fashion is common, we create products that are durable, modern and functional. BenchK wall bars are manufactured using technologies and materials that are long-lasting and will serve many generations.

For years, nothing has made us happier than watching homes where customers are enjoying BenchK wall bars. When moving from one apartment to a new one – they always take their wall bar with them. High-quality, well-made wall bars will definitely not end up in a landfill for getting obsolete quickly or being out-of-date. In fact, it is completely opposite- they occupy one of the central places in the house.






At BenchK, we use packaging that is fully recyclable, i.e. 100% renewable and 100% biodegradable.

Furthermore, the packaging of our products is designed in such a way as to have the smallest dimensions possible and to optimally fill the transport pallet – zero waste.




The wooden elements of BenchK wall bars are made of solid beech wood that is FSC certified, which means that it is 100% sourced and used in a responsible and sustainable manner.

FSC certification for Controlled Wood means that the wood:

  • was not obtained illegally,
  • does not come from valuable natural areas,
  • has not been obtained from genetically modified trees,
  • new trees are planted in place of the cut trees.

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is the organization responsible for the certification of forests and all kinds of wood and paper products. Following the FSC® guidelines allows harvesting the woods without affecting the biological resources and structure of forests.


Since 2019, BenchK has been supporting the Dr Clown foundation, the activities of which are to support treatment processes, as well as ensure safety and wellness to sick and in crisis situations by using the beneficial properties of a smile and laughter.

Currently, more than 600 trained volunteers regularly visit patients staying in hospitals and various institutions in over 80 cities all over Poland with “laughter therapy”. Every month, the BenchK wall bars goes to the institutions in need to provide children with space where they can spend time actively.


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